Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What the Hell Kind of Campaign Are You Running, Anyway?

Well, now that I have won the primary and my campaign is well underway, it is time to answer this question. Activists, party regulars, and consultants have wanted to ask this question, but have mostly too polite to ask in such a blunt way.
OK, I will answer.
There are several elements to a traditional political campaign:
*fund raising
*campaign headquarters
*phone banks and robocalls
*precinct captains and workers
*bumper stickers and yard signs
*radio ads and other media buys
*slate cards and door hangers
*fundraising envelopes
Thus far, my campaign has none of these, and it seems that it never will. Those who have run in my district before have tried all these to little effect. This time, I am trying something different. The centerpiece of my campaign is this blog along with my website and a Facebook page.
Will it work? We shall see.

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