Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How I Designed My Website

It was so stupidly simply, I was able to do it by myself. It was a pre-made template, and was practically free. No, I am not getting paid, and I know that this sounds kinda like an ad, but I thought you would be interested.

A great website with rich content is central to my campaign. It is more important than everything else put together. So, I dreaded the time, expense, and trouble it would take to design it. I had reserved my domain name, and was exploring options for web hosting and design. Low and behold, I got an email from the company I used to reserve my domain name. Webhosting was ten bucks a month, which I thought was reasonable (there are cheaper places); but this company also offered free templates for website design (well, OK, it was 2 bucks more per month for this service along with email).

A bargain, so I signed up. Better, when I went into their do it yourself website service, they recommended a pre-made, patriotic template. I was delighted with this design, and used it. All I had to do was start typing in text and uploading pictures (yes, I know, I still do not have pictures of myself yet on the website). Within 2 hours, my website was up and running.

My website today is pretty much the same one I designed myself that night. Who is this company? You will have to visit my website to find out (heh, heh).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Political parties are controlled by special interests? Not me!

I heard one of those idiotic radio commercials supporting Calif Prop 14. It claims that political parties are controlled by special interest. What nonsense.

I am the Republican candidate for Congress in my district. I shall now expose exactly how many special interests and lobbyists have contacted me:
None; zip, zero, zilch, nada.

True, I will probably get pounded in the general election, which may explain why I am being ignored by ‘special interests’, and if I win I expect the usual cavil of lobbyists to beat a path to my door. However, to claim that we are ‘controlled’ is simply not true, especially during the election cycle.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Republicans are Rich? Not Me!!

C'mon people. I am THE Republican candidate for Calif CD9, inasmauchas I am running unopposed in my district. Truthfully, my job hours have been cut back for the most part of a year, and I occassionally have trouble making ends meet at the end of the month. I sometimes use my credit cards to buy groceries, OK?

Nevertheless, I have a clear political philosophy and I want to be your congressman. It is high time to send someone with practical sensibilities to Congress from my district. I am sick and tired of Democrats promising pie-in-the-sky using MY tax dollars. There is no way in hell that I will allow this to happen ever again.

I am grateful to the Republican Party in my district: they have given me maximum possible support.

Yes, I could do with a few more political contributions from my website, but make no mistake: traditional fund raising and traditional media buys is NOT what my campaign is about. My campaign is about ideas and truth and liberty. Frankly, if I can communicate my message, I could care less what the results are on election night.

C'mon: when was the last time you heard this message from a politician?

Monday, May 3, 2010

how badly does my district usually lose?

In 2008, the Republican in Calif CD9 lost 86%-9%. I was pretty sure that this was the biggest losing margin in the entire House of Representatives.
Well, almost. My district lost by the biggest margin in all Calif.
However, nationwide, there were a few districts where the losing margin was actually larger:
Illinois, 1 district
New York, 6 districts
Pennsylvania, 3 districts
Texas, 1 district
That makes a total of 11 congressional districts that actually lost bigger than mine.
(I have exluded those cases where a major party was running unopposed).
Well, now I don't feel so bad (I think).