Monday, April 19, 2010

where do I get my ideas?

At this point, I am doing things a little differently from what I was anticipating in the beginning. These are just a couple of examples I thought of.

Mitt Romney
No, I am not a fan, nor do I plan to read his book. However, he was on those Sunday morning political shows, and he said something that I took to heart. The host asked what happened to his campaign, which started out so promisingly, then faded. Romney said that his campaign did not have focus; things were diffuse and spread out. So, now, when asked to give some brief comments, I say: the focus of my campaign? Big, fat, juicy tax cuts = more jobs. That’s it. I plug my website, say thank you, then sit down.

marketing guy
I would give credit for this, but I do not recall where I heard this, other than it was a marketing person who successfully used a blog to promote his company’s products. He said that most companies simply use a blog to tell people how wonderful their product is, and that they should buy it; these things also uniformly fail miserably. He said to make the blog of general interest, and those interested will go to your product or service or website. So, I put up my Facebook page and this blog up first (plus, these are free) right away (even before my website and donation functions), and am trying to make them of general interest to all people interested in politics, and perhaps a few are in my district and will become interested enough to vote for me. I figured that a personal blog about what it is like for a total rookie to run for congress would be interesting. Hence, this blog.

how is the fundraising going?
I heard from some other political rookies and some old hands about fundraising. Plus, the stories about how Obama and Scott Brown used the new social networking media to their advantage on the way to victory. I suddenly realized that old-fashioned fundraising and media buys were not going to get the job done, certainly not in my district that elected the D last time around 86%-9%. That is why fundraising is not going to be a big part of my campaign, and why the ‘donate’ function still does not yet work on my website. Besides, I do not wish to mislead people who wish to contribute to my campaign about what my campaign is all about.

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