Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oct 12 Update On My Campaign

I have not written about my campaign recently, plus I saw something on the internet that my opponent has spent something like $3/4 million dollars on the campaign so far. Really? In a safe Democratic district? Does that sound like the actions of a budget-wise Congressman?

You mean I am being outspent 1000-to-one?

I have made a number of appearances the past month. Now, that the election is less than month off, I actually have fewer such things scheduled. Course, now comes the hard part: intense GOTV and precinct walking.

While I have received contributions, endorsements, and some media attention, these are all what I would call passive events. In other words, they were all the result of those who have contacted my campaign. I have not actively gone out to seek them, and that is greatest mistake I have made. The problem is that I am a campaign of one running things out of my apartment, and I do not have a campaign manager, whom I now realize I really need for such these things, since I do not have personal time myself for them.

One bit of political strategy I have learned, however. It is common wisdom, at least from local media, that since the SF Bay Area is so far left, that Republicans must make a strong move to the center to at least have a chance to capture a few votes from the center. I disagree strongly with this idea. I believe that the starker contrast that Republicans draw with their Liberal opponents, the more votes that we will receive; it is a strategy that has worked for Bay Area Democrats for years, and I think that it will also work for Republicans.

In any event, I am having the time of my life. Right now, my voice carries weight, and that is quite edifying.

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